
Log a Load for Kids

Log A Load For Kids is a nationwide giving campaign through which the forestry community contributes to local hospitals affiliated with the Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) to provide medical care to children whose families cannot pay for treatment. Children’s hospitals affiliated with the Children’s Miracle Network are pledged to provide services regardless of a patient’s ability to pay. Contributions through Log A Load For Kids help meet the financial deficits that can be created by fulfilling this pledge. Fundraising campaigns can also be dedicated to special projects, such as the purchase of a piece of medical equipment or underwriting the expense of a specialized clinic.

One hundred percent of all contributions go to local CMN Hospitals – overhead expenses are contributed separately by sponsoring associations, the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, and corporate and private underwriting. Log A Load For Kids is one of the top major CMN Hospitals contributors.

Since joining the Log A Load campaign efforts in 1995, Florida loggers and friends have raised over $2 million for CMN affiliated hospitals in Florida. To view participating Florida hospitals and designated markets, as well as CMN hospital contacts, click here.

Put your money where the Miracles are. Give today. A contribution can be made to the hospital of your choice by simply filling out the Log A Load For Kids Donor Form and mailing it along with your check to Florida Forestry Association. For additional details or to inquire about local fundraising events, please contact Whitney Hough at 850.222.5646 or [email protected].

Save the Date:

Tommy Usher Log-a-Load Golf Tournament — Thursday, October 24 at the Chiefland Golf & Country Club